Tuesday, October 31, 2006

How to choose a crystal.

No matter what we’ve paid for a crystal, we never own them – we are simply guardians, entrusted to carry them for a time or a lifetime before they move on to others.

When choosing a crystal, let yourself be drawn to it by its vibration, rather than by its appearance or by the glamour or ego in its purpose. This way it will be a wonderful gift and surprise to see how it’s purpose matches what you want to bring into your life or what spirit is asking you to evolve toward.

Hold a crystal and let it “speak” to you – in feelings, bodily sensations, words, visual images, or knowings.

If feelings, how does it make you feel? How does it energize your feelings and bodily sensations?

Or do you experience images, colors, or patterns of light or energy when you hold it for a while?

Perhaps it speaks to you in telepathic light language vibrations that you interpret as the spoken words or messages.

Or you simply know it is the crystal for you.

However you decide, let it be the intuition that guides your choice, especially when you first begin to work with crystals and stones.

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